Due to scheduling issues (i.e. not being in town when things arrive), I’ll have to hold off on a few anticipated reviews. My Dart Zone Pro is sitting at the UPS Store, and will do so for a few days while I’m traveling – it doesn’t make much sense to take it with me, and I’ll be disappointed to wait until the store opens, just to drop it back off at my apartment. Plus other Nerf-related things will arrive anyway,
In addition, there are a few site related things to address:
- If you haven’t already noticed, I’ve been redoing review ratings to do “User Friendly” instead of “Accuracy”. Reason being that, unless something is seriously off with the blaster, the accuracy is mainly going to be a function of the darts being used. A few older reviews will be tweaked to address this, and just cover it as a part of being user friendly. Of course, if it’s something like the upcoming Nerf Ultra that advertises based on the dart type, that’s just unavoidable.
- This month will actually be expecting lots of Nerf related travel. This trip, Ragnarocktoberfest, the list goes on. The number of reviews I still need to do is, thankfully, starting to dwindle. But don’t be surprised if there are lots of smaller updates, and then big ones here and there.
Force Friday Updates
Nothing actually new was announced for this fall’s Nerfy Star Wars lineup. We just have a reissue of the Poe Dameron blaster, and a recolored Captain Phasma blaster. Expect the normal, higher prices for being licensed toys.