The Tomahawk 60 came out this summer to relative fanfare…and somehow I completely skipped over writing the review. Which is a shame, because it’s one of the best blasters Dart Zone has on shelves. Whether you’re looking for backyard blasting or a cheap Humans v Zombies primary, the Tomahawk 60 is a great choice. Assuming you’re old enough to support using it for a length of time.
Large and in Charge
The size also means there’s plenty of room for the main grip, and most hands.
There’s also an NStrike attachment point on the back, should you decide to add a stock to stabilize your shots. That’s a nice touch, and it’s quite useful given the issues stated above.
The blaster requires 6 AA batteries to operate.
Blaster Use and Performance
Performance is quite impressive, with an average of 93fps with the included red diamond darts (“chili darts”). Rate of fire, however, does suffer a bit. the stiff trigger pull to rotate the drum slows you down, but two to three darts per second is still possible.
The Tomahawk 60 is an interesting beast. Electrically speaking, the wiring is the same as any other semiauto flywheel blaster. The flywheel cage, however, is totally different from previous Dart Zone offerings. It’s a large plastic subunit that also houses the drum indexing and the dart follower. Due to time, I never got around to making a replacement cage. However, TR blasters did, and you can print them yourself or buy them on Etsy.
Last Word
The Tomahawk 60 is everything you’d expect from Dart Zone. It’s unique, does something new, and has high performance. Assuming you’re large enough to handle the blaster, it’ll work for stock wars and Humans v Zombies games, and could potentially do more. And for just $30, it’s a total bargain.