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Dart Zone Blaster Bash Colorado Update!

2023 is the year of sports field blasting, it seems. Jared’s Epic Blaster Battle is on a nationwide tour, and now Dart Zone has an event in Colorado Springs, provided you’re not at the Indianapolis JEBB the same weekend. Alternatively, maybe you have better access to plane tickets than I do. Who knows?

In any case, Dart Zone has a USLC soccer stadium reserved for Sunday, June 11th, for a day of blaster games and an evening of zombie-shooting shenanigans. Admittedly, the ticketing system is a bit strange, seeing as you can pay for one or two-hour slots, or for the four hours in the evening. And the prices add up if you want to stay longer. I’ll admit, I’m spoiled having a local club that can reserve an indoor airsoft field for $10 for four or more hours. But the prices listed seem…a bit out there.

Of course, there’s a good chance I’m totally missing something. Perhaps there’s a strong enough interest in Colorado itself for people to attend – the mountain states do get overlooked by both large blaster events and smaller, competitive qualifiers. So with enough local interest, the ticketing is more reasonable. But even with the prospect of seeing new blasters for 2023. I don’t see myself trying to fly out there, play for a few hours, then fly home and go back to work.

If you do have interest, find more info here!

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