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Nerf LMTD x Destiny Ace of Spades Announced!

The newest Nerf LMTD blaster, it turns out…still uses Elite darts? I guess those aren’t quite dead yet. Just almost!

Enthusiasts knew there was a second Nerf x Destiny blaster coming, after the Gjallerhorn, but for a “limited” blaster, $50 actually isn’t bad. Functionally, the blaster is a six-shot, semi-auto revolver that runs on 4 AA batteries. Critically, it comes with two swappable drums, which means reloading will be easy, AND I’m sure there will be 3d printed replacement clips modeled and used in the future.

Check out the listing, and preorder if you like; in-game players who’ve earned the Legend title in the latest expansion have the first chance to preorder (Sept. 9-24), with the rest available to the general public after.

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