
Xshot Pro Skins Fury-X



Avg. Price:



135fps average

Rate of Fire:

Three darts per second (slamfire)


Somehow Xshot made pro blasting even more budget-friendly!

Xshot Pro Skins Fury-X Review

At long last, I’ve been able to both attend an actual Nerf war and test new things while I was there. To that end, let’s take a peek at the Xshot Pro Skins Fury-X!

There are already some other reviews out there (along with 3d printed parts and add-ons), but adding an experienced voice can’t hurt!

Compact Pro Blasting

$15 gets a really nice blaster, all things considered. Given the parent brand, Xshot, there are always going to be concerns about things like plastic thickness and quality. That’s par for the course when it comes to being the budget brand. And yet, the Fury-X doesn’t feel cheap. Granted, the various flat surfaces do flex a bit when handled, but it’s certainly acceptable construction. There’s even a smooth metal barrel for firing the darts – last I checked, the Nerf Torrent itself still opted for plastic. So not everything has been a compromise for cost savings.

The blaster itself is setup similarly to the Xshot Pro Skins Longshot, with a bullpup configuration sticking the magazine behind the main handle and trigger. In this case, however, the blaster only uses short darts. A top slide, running virtually the length of the entire blaster, compresses the spring while opening the breech for loading a dart. On the forward motion, it moves the dart into the barrel while moving the plunger within its tube. At that point, you can fire. If, for some reason, a jam occurs, there’s a tab for overriding the internal ratcheting mechanism and re-opening the breech.

I haven’t had an issue, but it’s there, just in case.

Other quality of life features abound. A small but ambidextrous mag release sits in thumb reach, though the main one is still behind the magazine. The orange tip can accept rifled barrel attachments from the Longshot (or from other brands). And of course, the blaster has Xshot’s decal treatment, and it looks great.

Included are 40 darts and a pink 15-round magazine. You can use both Katana and Talon-style magazines.

Performance and Gameplay

In foam combat, the blaster operated consistently, even with dirty and well-used club darts. If anything, there was a slight learning curve when it came to aiming the blaster. After all, without a long shell, a stock, or a good place to put your other hand up front, it’s harder to aim on target. Even so, I was still able to place shots on targets and occasionally do really precise shots on hands or other exposed parts.

The blaster was comfortable to hold for long periods of time.

With fresh darts, I averaged 135fps. Rate of fire is an easy three darts per second, made easier by the inclusion of slam-fire! I haven’t had much reason to use it, but it’s there all the same.

Internals and Mod Thoughts

The inside of the blaster is quite similar to the Pro Longshot. There’s a plunger tube (though oval in shape this time), a plunger, and a barrel the plunger itself rides on. A breech mechanism loads the barrel, and a turnaround piece forces air behind the dart once the blaster fires.

Where the Longshot had a buffer spring to soften plunger impacts, the Fury-X uses a very long air restricted valve.

The front of the blaster itself can be removed with two screws and two plastic inserts, allowing for barrel swaps and the use of aftermarket parts. I know of several people who are already hitting 200fps with this blaster after modification…but I like mine the way it is. I’m okay with having some blasters just at their stock configuration.

Final Opinion

$15 for a pro, magazine-fed blaster? Xshot is really attacking the competition with this one. If you’re just dipping your toes into high-performance blasting, it’s hard to say no spending just $15. And for those of us with more experience, the blaster can be upgraded with us.

Really, just pick one up. Like, right now.

Product Rating



Rate of Fire


Build Quality


User Friendly


Price / Value


