Hello, World!
What sort of rulesets do people use for their HvZ games?
At Melbourne HvZ we run a short stun time based game that works for our player turnout of 10-25 and largeish but open grass playing area. The core of it revolves around 1 shot = 25 stun. Zombies also can take an upgrade (gamemode dependant but usually timed release) long pool noodles, a medium sized dartproof shield, and a single shot rocket launcher.
We typically run a variety of gamemodes:
– The most common being pure survival (5,10,15 min release times)
– Survival but with zombie upgrades kept in “semi safe” non-respawn zones
– 6 dart survival (our not so sneaky way to hide dart sweeping)
– Space Pope; VIP defence, but with a few Werewolf-esque player role twists
I’m keen to try a 3 point sling 😛