Endwar and Foamcon: THE FIRST DAY
June 23, 2017
Naptown Nerf and Blono Nerf, in fierce competition for more visitors. Since they’re both near the door, I’ll call it a draw.

Alice-Coatduck. I hung out at her table for the day, and brought a bunch of the 2017 Nerf blasters for people to play with in person.
Greetings from a very large gathering of Nerf and HvZ enthusiasts! I’m going to be busy catching up with friends, running from the horde, etc.But in the meantime I’ll try to document the happenings! It’s been a blast so far (groan) and this weekend is going to be lots of fun.
Although I’m questioning this guy saying we should attend a meeting at 12:01am tonight, when official gameplay is in effect. I think he just wants my brains…