Nerf Mega Battlecamo Cycloneshock
Two darts per second
The same fun Mega pistol, now in a new color scheme!
Nerf Mega Battlecamo Cycloneshock Review
June 8, 2019When I ordered the new Battlecamo version of the Cycloneshock, I looked through the archives and couldn’t find a review of the original blaster! So we’re doing one now.
The Cycloneshock is the Mega line’s answer to the Strongarm (and, more currently, the Disruptor). It’s an oversized revolver with an easy top prime and decent dart velocity, making for a fun blaster for all ages – even if stock Mega darts aren’t that accurate.
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Setting the Standard
After the Mega line debuted with the arguably flawed Centurion, Nerf went smaller with the much more successful Magnus. After that, the Mega line progressed fairly logically, releasing single shot pistols like the Bigshock and larger capacity blasters like the Cycloneshock.
The Cycloneshock is simple in function – the user primes via the rear slide. This action also rotates the cylinder, lining up the next dart. It’s a proportionally large pistol, matching its ammo type. However, the main grip is a bit on the small side; it’s also enclosed, which can make things uncomfortable for large adult hands. Kids, however, shouldn’t have any issues.
The newest version comes with a red and white shell, with stripes in a “camo” motif. Obviously, you’re not going to be blending in with your background anytime soon. It’s just there to look cool!
The blaster also comes with its own special darts. They simply have the “Battlecamo” decoration, and don’t fly any differently.
The Cycloneshock has acceptable performance due to its wide plunger tube – the included darts average a respectable 66fps. You can also fire up to two darts per second, although that’s with normal operation. The blaster has no slamfire function.
Be aware, of course, that Accustrike Megas will have a better chance of hitting the target.
Final Opinion
The Cycloneshock is a ubiquitous example of the Mega line, and now it has its own alternative color scheme. The blaster itself, however, works and performs the same as before. If you enjoy oversized ammo, this blaster won’t do you wrong – but it will ask for a full $20, as the newest version.