Blasterhub Resolutions – Happy New Year!
December 31, 2019It’s not much of a post – really, it’s just a placeholder while I write some rather late reviews and edit footage from the last war. But, it’s New Year’s Eve, and that means thinking back…and thinking ahead.
With that in mind, I do have a few thoughts on things to improve.
- Earlier in the year, I tried highlighting a bunch of major events going on one month. The intention was to keep doing that…but then it never happened. I’d like to try that again. Whether it’s a monthly post, or just keeping better tabs on major events, both near me and farther away (there are things like Foam Fest and large wars in other countries I’d like to look at).
- Adding a couple more people on here. Granted, I’m the weird one here that’s made his hobby his social life, and that helps drive me to keep doing this. But there are plenty of other enthusiasts that I know would contribute now and then.
- Stop getting so behind on reviews! I still have yet to post reviews for the Icon Series, for instance. Granted, it hasn’t been an urgent thing, because I bought all of them way back when they were first on shelves. It’s simply not “new” compared to other things, and a quick search on ye olde Nerfhaven can do wonders. But this late? I can do better.
- Document more of the cool things people are doing. Whether it’s a war, or Foamcon before Endwar, do more pics of blasters, loadouts, etc. I know several people miss seeing that. Plus, while trying having a booth at Ragnaroctoberfest was neat, it’s just not the same as walking around and seeing everyone. I prefer doing the news part to being a personality.
All that said, what are you hoping for in the new year?