Updated Halo and Dino Attack Release Dates…for the UK?

We’re slowly getting listings for fall blasters, be they preorders for July on Entertainment Earth, or real listings just showing up on Walmart and other sites (like with the Ultra Four and the Fortnite BASR-L). However, of interest are a few things we didn’t have a timeline for, or thought were going to be different!

The Xshot Dino Attack blasters are up for preorder on Amazon UK, showing a July 31st release date. Both the Claw Hunter (Eliminator reshell) and the Reflex reshell are up. In addition, the Nerf Halo MA40 is up for preorder, showing a July 1st release date. Originally, the release date was supposed to be in October, to more closely coincide with the Halo: Infinite release date. However, things do change (and sometimes different territories have different release dates). We will see how accurate these dates are once they get closer!

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