
Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander RD-6



Avg. Price:



76fps average

Rate of Fire:

4 darts per second (slamfire)


A handy basic revolver, if that's all you need.

Quick Review: Nerf Elite 2.0 Commander

I missed several blasters over the last six to eight months, be it due to a lack of time or motivation. However, things still need rated, and the Elite 2.0 line is still on shelves!

The Commander serves as the replacement for the Strongarm/Disruptor, and while other blasters can get better performance for less money – a Nerf fan who buys one probably won’t be disappointed.

New Look, More Tactics

The Commander keeps the main features of the previous revolver (six shots, slam-fire, rotation after firing) while adding new ones. Chiefly, you have three tactical rails, and mounting points for barrels and stocks. Granted, you really don’t need a stock for this blaster (and if you do, why not get something else?), but the option is there.

Like the rest of the Elite 2.0 line, the Commander has a very industrial look to it. Yes, it’s plastic, but it also has a stamped metal vibe to it.

Priming is easy enough, with a low profile but comfortable molding. The main grip is small, however. While I can fit all my fingers on the handle, larger hands won’t be able to. In addition, the curve on the back sits too low, making the blaster press into your hand between the thumb and index finger. Kid sized hands may find it just fine, however. Such is the difference in kid and adult experience!


The Commander averaged 76fps in my testing, with the included darts (enough to fire the blaster twice through!). Accuracy with Elite darts varies, but it is what it is. Rate of fire can easily reach four darts per second in fast hands, if slamfire is used. Of course, keep that for emergencies, as you only have six shots before you’re out.

Internals? It’s Elite 2.0, and I didn’t want to rip the blaster apart to the point where it’s unusable. It’s safe to assume, though, that the internals are similar to the Strongarm/Disruptor, but with the cost savings of plastic leaf springs and the like.


The Commander is far from the worst $13 you can spend. In fact, most people who buy one will be quite pleased with the performance. Just remember that if you’re a hobbyist wanting to squeeze more out of blasters, Elite 2.0 isn’t for you.

Product Rating



Rate of Fire


Build Quality


User Friendly


Price / Value


