TheToyZone Looking for a Guest Halo Blaster Reviewer?
October 29, 2021On the less serious side of running a blog, sometimes I get to pass on little blurbs here and there from companies or media. In this case, a toy review site is looking to pay someone to review some Halo blasters for them! The Bulldog and Mangler, to be specific. Yep, with the video game finally releasing, reviews of these blasters are becoming more relevant.
Now, if you read the terms and such, there are things to be aware of. Like being at least 18, being considered an independent contractor (if selected and accepted) for tax purposes, etc. But there’s always someone out there who wants to try their hand it this, so look things over, and give it a go if you desire!
Link to the Press release PDF here. You have until November 12th to apply!
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