Toy Fair 2019 – Day Three
February 18, 2019IT’S BUZZ BEE DAY! I will delay uploading the video for a bit – I’m more about the pictures and writing anyway. But it was a great event, and Buzz Bee is pushing for a successful year in the US market.
I’ll be editing in descriptions, as well as video as the morning goes along. So bear with me as a write in all the updates! Note that some names will be unique to lines, depending on retailer (Adventure Force branding, etc.
- The Agitator and Frantic Fire/Gladiator both have extending stocks and pump action. One will be at Target, the other Walmart.
- Buzz Bee does in fact have a working drum! And it works well. Holds 30 darts, and has some slight internal changes compared to other dart drums to feed better around the transition.
- The Metamorph (aka Max Morpher) is an interesting concept. Holds ten rounds in the cylinder. And it primes in all positions, as well! The pump grip hooks into the top of the blaster when folded up.
- The Mutator will be in Target this year, after a success in Europe!
- The Revolution is your standard mag-fed pistol.
- The Blow Blaster is an older patent that finally will be at Dollar General this year. You pump up the air tank. Then you blow in the end, and a plastic shuttle piece triggers the blast button. Expect 100′ ranges.
- There will be a Long Distance Armory set available at Walmart for $20. That’s a steal.
- All Buzz Bee clips will now have patented ridges for connecting them in a flip-clip format.
- The Panther name returns, but just for a small, compact spring pistol.
- On the water blaster front, the Saturator is a standard pump and spray blaster. Pulling the trigger chooses between standard stream and high volume spray.
- There are plenty of things I will remember later, including some prices.