Influencer Package! #nerfsummercamp
July 24, 2020Well this arrived in the mail yesterday! Got off work, went to the nearest Fedex Onsite to grab the package, and opened it up. If you’ve seen any of Nerf’s social media in recent weeks, they’ve been pivoting towards fun activities you can do at home with relatives and close friends. In this case, fun fitness activities with Super Soakers and blasters! Let’s be nice and make the post showing the goodies, shall we?
Target Practice and Drills
Also, here’s me showing how horrible I am at making impromptu videos!
In any case, If it’s appeared in the promotional material in the past few weeks, it was in the package. Two Super Soaker XP100s, an Elite 2.0 Shockwave, an Ultra 5, along with various targets, cones, and other gear. There are even some Bunkr inflatable cover cubes for the soaker battles.
Admittedly, I don’t actually *NEED* any of the free stuff. But it’s nice. Given how many soakers I have already, there are a few younger people I have in mind for passing them off to for harassing friends and/or parents….