New Nerf Pro Gelfire Blasters Appear! Ghost, Raid, and Dual Wield!
July 5, 2023We knew there would be more Nerf gel ball blasters coming. Thanks to some early Target listings, we now have a sneak peek!
The stylings are a bit plain, but the blasters are at least unique. The Raid is a manually-primed shotgun, shooting five balls at up to 150fps. The Dual Wield comes with two small, double-action trigger blasters (usable performance? Unknown!). And the Ghost comes with an extended barrel attachment, allowing manually-primed “sniper” shots at up to 200fps. For $40, $30, and $50, respectively, they’re interesting entries into the space, at the very least. Granted, you can seasonally find better deals on full-auto blasters from other brands (like this 200fps SplatRBall entry at Sam’s Club). But for what they are, I appreciate the attempt at unique blasters reaching the market.
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