Review: Buzz Bee Ultra Tek Sidewinder (15m)
January 18, 2016While Buzz Bee’s Ultra Tek line was mostly entirely new blasters, it did have a re-release in the form of the Sidewinder. Besides some new aesthetics, the Sidewinder is (as far as I’m aware) unchanged from its old form. Does it belong alongside Buzz Bee’s excellent clip (mag) system blasters?
Disclosure: The Sidewinder was sent to me by Buzz Bee for review, so thanks to them for that contribution. As usual, note that their contribution will not bias this review in any way.
Review: BoomCo Rapid Madness (13m Aus)
January 11, 2016Back when BoomCo was first released, the Rapid Madness led the line as the first flagship blaster. It held promise, as it was the first air powered blaster we’d seen released in a while (besides Buzz Bee’s awesome Blastzooka). Preliminary videos showed us Magstrike-like performance, most notably of course an insanely fast rate of fire. Fast forward a little bit and the Rapid Madness would become available in stores for the painfully high price of 50USD/100AUD. As one of the first BoomCo blasters, how does it fare with challenging Nerf’s dart blasting cominance?
BOOMco Rapid Madness Review
In today’s fast paced blaster scene, rate of fire is everything. Owing to the inaccuracy of most of the darts, you’re better off firing a quick flurry of darts for a confirmed hit than shooting one shot hoping it wouldn’t veer wildly off the target. Enter the Rapid Madness, BOOMco’s debut flagship blaster for 2014. With an insane rate of fire, and high modding potential, it has become one of the fan favourites in the blaster community. Let’s check it out!
Review: Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe Blaster
January 5, 2016As a massive Star Wars fan, you can probably imagine my excitement when a new set of Star Wars Nerf blasters were revealed. Of particular note is the SW First Order Stormtrooper Deluxe Blaster (which I’ll usually refer to as just the “Deluxe Blaster”), which is a pump action, clip (mag) system blaster. A combat practical, cool looking Star Wars blaster? Count me in! Surely it can’t be all good news though, what’s the catch with the Deluxe Blaster?
Review: Nerf Elite Demolisher (22m Aus grey trigger)
December 30, 2015Back in 2014, Nerf decided to revamp the Elite line, starting with increased range claims of 90 feet (22 metres for us grey trigger countries). The Demolisher was a new blaster to get the XD treatment, while a lot of older Elite blasters were getting the same. Naturally a lot of us were dubious, Nerf’s claims have often been highly optimistic. Is the Demolisher really improved over the old Elite blasters, or is it yet another case of marketing?
Review: Super Soaker Double Drench
December 29, 2015The Double Drench is short, stout and destructive!
Super Soaker, the brand that many active pre-teens of the mid- 90’s grew up with, has delivered again with its more than formidable ‘Double Drench.’ Don’t let its stocky appearance full you, it packs a punch and scores well. The Double Drench answers the call for a short but reliable, twin barreled, close quarters weapon. While limited in some of its capabilities (i.e range and accuracy) the Double Drench fits the mold of its real world counterpart, the double-barreled Shot Gun.
Media Gallery Now Available to Easily Browse all our Images!
December 27, 2015Looking to see what images we have available through all our posting? We recently added a media gallery, that will go through and load all images used on our site for you to easily browse through. Maybe even find something that you didn’t know we had before? The functionality for browsing is pretty basic as of now, and will need to expand further as the site grows, but is a quick solution to get an overview of the images we have used. Another surprise that the gallery offers is, a sneak peak at images on posts currently being worked on! This way you can get a glimpse into what new stuff is coming up!