NiZn Batteries – Why Isn’t This a Thing?

After seeing this post (with no replies) and looking into the topic, I grabbed a few Nickel-Zinc batteries of my own for testing. At least in stock blasters, the AA-sized batteries boost dart velocity by a noticeable margin. In addition, they’re rechargeable, can supply decent amounts of current, and are fairly inexpensive. However, there’s issues in reliability and longevity, and higher voltages aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be. In the end, there’s really not much to be gained in terms of Nerf, as far as I can tell.

(This is from the “stock blaster” perspective. If you’re actively trying to modify your blaster, there are plenty of guides on rewiring blasters as well as choosing appropriate batteries).

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Wall Street Journal Covers the Blaster Shelf Wars

First, a shout out to Blaster Revolution on Facebook, who found and posted a link to the WSJ article – otherwise, I would’ve been too busy playing at the Penn State HvZ Invitational to notice! There’s always great stuff on that page, from war pictures to new 3d cosmetic kits and more.

After years of competing, Zuru has made enough of a dent in blaster sales for people to take notice. As per the Wall Street Journal (there is a paywall, sadly), Zuru has taken a significant amount of shelf space with $20 and under blasters, especially when Nerf has been making more expensive blasters, up to and including the (originally) $200 MSRP Prometheus.

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Nerf Microshots Review

At this point, I have quite a few Microshots that have arrived at my doorstep. (OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER THANKING HASBRO FOR SENDING FREE STUFF) At the very least, I should give my thoughts on the line. They’re neat gifts and collectibles, for sure. Just remember that, in the end, they’re all Jolts. Not that that’s a bad thing.

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Avengers: Endgame Nerf Assemblers Gear Review

Well, we finally have the release of the Avengers: Endgame toys, in time to fuel the hype for the movie. One set of toys that’s NOT leaking plot points, however, is the next wave of Nerf Assemblers Gear. It’s Hasbro’s way of incorporating dart blasting into the movie, as well as making it possible to collect tons of plastic pieces to make giant plastic monstrosities.

The good news is that these are far better than the blasters we had last year. And while they still aren’t quite compatible with the rest of Nerf’s accessories, they at least can be mixed with last year’s movie tie-ins. They’re no longer objectively bad. Whether it’s enough to justify buying them, however, is up to you.

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Game Reports: Z13, and Athens HvZ Spring Invitational

I’m a bit late in putting up videos and info, but so was everyone else. The last two weekends have been a blast, playing HvZ minigames up in Detroit, and then playing an Invitational down in Athens. So we’ll have a section going over each one.

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