Classic Super Soakers Return!…Kinda

This is another announcement that isn’t a surprise, if you’ve spent decent amounts of time browsing the internet, or noticed things like official Stephen Curry Super Soaker-themed shoes. Even so, details have been sketchy up to this point. However, we now have a press release on the next line Hasbro is showing at Toy Fair, along with some nice details. They’re Target exclusives in the US. And they’re under $20!

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Buzz Bee Air Warriors Sling Shot Review

Buzz Bee Toys isn’t a company that shies away from unique blaster experiences. Last year’s Blow Blaster was a fun toy for just $5. This spring, the Sling Shot provides a similarly unique experience for the same price point. Is it useful for a Nerf war? Debatable. Is it fun to use and perfect with practice? Definitely.

(So far, this appears to be a Dollar General exclusive)

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Nerf Ultra Two Review

After the lackluster start that was the Ultra One, Hasbro is expanding the line farther. This time, the Ultra Two is hitting shelves, right before Toy Fair. It still has some design flaws, one of which can be rectified with slight modification. Nevertheless, I find it an improvement in both fun and performance. If you were waiting to jump on the Ultra train, the Two might convince you to give it a try. Might.

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Deadpool X-Force Rival Kronos + Chimichanga!

A friend recently pointed me to a sale best buy was doing on the newest Deadpool X-Force Kronos. Being a fan of Deadpool, the rival Kronos, and chimichangas (in that order) I felt obligated to acquire one, especially since it had gone down in price significantly.  This collectors item is everything I wanted, with some neat surprises.

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Adding a New Member!

As some of you may know, I’ve posted a few things written by another Brian, one that I go to various games with quite often. Long story short, I finally got off my butt and added him as our newest writer!

I still need to update a few things on the website, but he’ll have free reign to write to his heart’s desire. Could be serious. Could be snarky. You’ll just have to wait and see.

Blastr Wrapz Review

At the end of last year, an interesting alternative to painting and hydrodipping appeared. Blastr Wrapz are vinyl adhesive decals designed to match the outside of several blasters and magazines. For someone looking to customize their blaster but low on time and/or artistic talent, it’s a really cool option. And if you do have an eye for art, you can customize things even more on their website.

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