Nerf Rival Takedown Review

Author note: after purchasing one, a free sample did get sent in the mail from Hasbro. Thanks!

We’ve had several “Rival shotgun” platforms come out this past year. The Adventure Force Liberator appeared online at Walmart, and then the Xshot Chaos Orbit became available in the fall. Now, Nerf puts out the Takedown at the end of the year. It’s a solid, Kronos-based blaster, As such, it’s a fun, reliable option for running light – as long as you have a good grip on it.

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Dart Zone “Spartan” Coming in 2020?

This was a fun thing to find this morning, between Christmas parties. There’s always a slow creep of official, public information when it comes to future blasters. So when a giant, drum-fed, flywheel blaster appears in a Patent Application, it’s worth dedicating a news post. And it’s something I didn’t realize I wanted so much in 2020.

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Nerf Rival Charger Review

The early 2020 blasters are arriving just in time for Christmas! I did happen to get one of these sent to me by Hasbro for free (which means I now have two, since I ordered one at Target). Naturally, having an extra one just means I can open it up and do things to it!

The Rival MXX-1200 Charger it Nerf’s newest semi-auto ball blaster, following the Zeus and Hera before it. Instead of using external magazines, however, it opts to feature an internal 12-round magazine. It’s a comfortable and handy blaster, and should be great for anyone playing in indoor settings or who prefers refilling from a pouch.

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Nerf Holiday Package Drop!

#Nerf #NerfNation #FreeStuff

This came in the mail over the weekend! Thanks for the free box of goodies, Hasbro! (And associated PR firms)

On the plus side, I have even more ammo for feeding the other Ultra One (admittedly, launching those darts with a blaster running on a 3s Lipo doesn’t always end well). On the other plus side, there’s stuff for staying warm 🙂

Holiday Contest Note

Small point of order, before more posts go up – I was originally planning on one more week of giving things away. However, I am going to be running around everywhere the next two weeks between holidays, work, and trying to move things back home. As such, I’m concerning myself just with dropping current winners off at the post office. That last week of giveaways will happen…when it happens. That’s just the way it is!


Nerf Fortnite SMG-E Review

It’s supposed to come out at the beginning of 2020. However, supply chains being like they are, sometimes things arrive early. To that end, we have the Fortnite SMG-E. It is, at the most basic level, a Stryfe. Even so, for $30 it’s also an inexpensive one, if you don’t mind ditching compatibility with accessories. Also, being goofy and useful gets point in my book.

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Nerf Challenge Review

I usually review blasters and the like, not actual events. However, since Hasbro has partnered with Kilburn Live to make the Nerf Challenge event, it seemed like a good thing to write about after experiencing.

To be clear, I did have an invite to the earlier media party at the LA Nerf Challenge – I simply couldn’t make it due to my regular job. However, thanks to some really cheap overnight flights, I was able to spend a few hours experiencing the Nerf Challenge as a customer. Is it something worth flying to? Probably not; I’m just weird like that, and it’s a touring event anyway. Should you try it if it’s nearby? Possibly. It will be a fun time, but it all depends on what you’re looking for and willing to pay.

See the official website here.

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